I LOL'D, the lips are a bit RIDICULOUS though.
I LOL'D, the lips are a bit RIDICULOUS though.
You could've worked on making it a bit more cinematic, so it seemed like less of a game and more of a movie, but it was nonetheless well put together.
Niice fbf.
You used nice frame-by-frame animation, but not much else. The sound effects were alright, but there was little plot or anything. You could've dramatised the event a bit more by using some more close-ups and stuff.
Did you even watch that Flash before uploading it?
It's full of badly compressed Google Image steals and even worse sound. Not to mention the dodgy replay button, and the fact that it's only about 20 seconds long. It's not good enough pull off 20 seconds. I'm sorry, but you'll have to try harder than that.
Wrong: Didnt steel a thing. Replay button was about the only flaw, thank for pointing that out. And its short because its a teaser :)
Stamper's parts were the best.
I really liked it.
good. i made it just for you
Really funny!
I really liked it! The only thing that let it down was the bad voice acting on the part of the vicar. I could suggest a few voice acting forums where you could post around, there are some people with really good voice acting, who'll do a voice over on your projects for free.
Also, to make it look that bit better, I'd recommend shading practically everywhere.
thankyou very much, i actually got my dad to do a vicar voice, i should have done it myself lol, and yes, i should have added shading, i will keep that in mind for next time, thanks
Getting better
The graphics might need updating a bit, if you get me... like maybe a thinner brush and some more shading...
The humour is really random and nice, but the quality of the voice actors is a little low. The voice actors themselves are alright, but the feedback and crackling is a bit bad. It's alright, but on the bad side.
Not that good
Just your typical, overdone humour flash here on Newgrounds, with no shading and a bunch of crackly microphones. Sorry, I could barely watch 2 minutes of it.
Ah well, cant please everyone
Um... well what d'you want me to say?
Age 32
In London
London, England
Joined on 1/19/06